Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Garlic Root-down!

It's been just over 3 weeks since we planted the garlic, so we thought we should have a look at its progress. We dug one clove up and it has some promising root growth. The basal plate, where the roots are coming out, had no roots at all when we planted it. It's been raining with enthusiasm in Pemberton, and it doesn't seem to be letting up soon, so the garlic is getting lots of water, and the ground hasn't been freezing for a while, so its a good time for the bulbs to by sprouting vigorously underground.


Britt Sanborn said...

mmmm when that garlic is ready I will have to get some! I looooove garlic

Delaney Zayac and Alisha Dick said...

Hey Britt! thanks for the comment, I dug a clove up today and its roots had really taken off since the photo shown here from Nov. 11. The roots have grown maybe 15cms!, and the bulb was really anchored in tight, so its coming along nicely. Its been warmer than usual so the ground isn't frozen yet... keep checking in, we'll show a picture of the garlic progress every month until its too deep under the snow.